Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sebastien Philip Hale

So there is his name. Not exactly sure how we came up with Sebastien- it just sort of evolved. We are spelling it a la Francaise, and Steve is pronouncing it French style, but don't listen to him if he tries to get you to say it that way. I am pronouncing it as any other red blooded American would. Philip and Hale are both grandpa's middle names, so now that we have scraped the bottom of that name source, I hope we will have a girl next time. WE are not sure what we will shorten it to- either Seb or Bass or Bastien, but we will probably go with what the kids end up calling him. Right now they are very excited about him- even Etienne, but there is no way I am leaving him alone with them.

The c-section in itself wasn't so bad- I mean, I couldn't see or feel anything, although Steve throughly enjoyed watching every minute of it. It was so quick and effortless on my part. Ha Ha. The aftereffects are not quite so pleasant however. Let's just say I am on a lot of meds, but my mom is here doing all the forbidden lifting of children and dishes and laundry, and it is rather nice. They also let me out of the hospital early which was a big plus.

Well, enough about me- here are some shots from this sweet little boy's first days of life.

Meeting Aunt Callie and James

"Boy, this guy is cute"

"I think I will kiss him"

"On second thought.."

Bored at the hospital

Wide Awake

Home at last- don't you wish you were a baby?


Dolly said...

Congrats you guys!! He looks so sweet.Hope your recovery goes well.

diber said...

Congratulations!!! He so beautiful! Enjoy your new baby.

Hannah G said...

Congratulations! I love the name, too! (Sebastian is Jonah's middle name.) We'll be praying for a speedy recovery. And enjoy the excuse to lie around and drink lemonade while somebody else does the laundry. Aren't moms great?

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

My, what cute clothes your boys have!

Seriously, he really is a beautiful baby.

Christopher and Jackie said...

Yay! Thanks for the pictures. It's pretty frustrating to be on another continent right now instead of our accustomed 7 hour drive. I just wish I could hold him! Hope you're doing okay. We'll probably try to call this afternoon to check in. Congrats!

Erika said...

I am so excited! He is so cute, and Etienne looks so big compared.
Hope recovery goes well and I know your Mom will be such a huge help.

Leanne said...

Congratulations to you all! He looks just perfect. Looks like he already has his very own soft blanket.

Shelly said...

Congratulations! Your boys are all very adorable.