Friday, September 5, 2008

Breech Baby

So, the blogging hasn't been happening lately. I usually like to blog when something fun has happened and I have some pictures to go along with it. I could include some pictures of me shuffling around the house in my slippers and the same comfy pants I have been wearing for about a month now, but I will spare you.
I went to the midwife today and she was surprised at the size of my baby's rear end, so she took an ultrasound. Lo and behold that big rear was the baby's head- in the wrong place. So.....
I have three choices
-Hope he will move in the next few weeks using home remedies like hanging upside down on an ironing board for a few hours
- Go to the hospital monday for an external version where they will shove the baby around til he is facing down as he ought to be
- Schedule myself for a c section

Right now I am opting for plan B.

Hopefully that will go fine and I will carry this baby to term, which is only three weeks away, although part of me wouldn't mind if he came a little sooner. Actually, most of me wouldn't mind.


Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

How funny is it that I know EXACTLY which black pants you're referring to. :)

Erika said...

I do too!

I hope that he moves himself...I don't think it would be much fun to have them "pushing" him...because he is still attached, to you!

I thought of another name for you, it doesn't end in an N or sounds weird with Lewin.



Leanne said...

you are in our prayers!

Bryonie said...

Hang in there and I'm hoping option b works!

brite said...

Any news???