Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just me and the boys

So Steve decided I needed a 'how good a mother and wife are you?' test this week, and is out of town for ten days. Yes. Ten days.
Ten days of flying solo with my three boys. Now lest you think my husband is a jerk or unusually cruel, I must clarify that he is on a road trip with his father, who is here in the states on one of his rare visits. They are visiting some old and dear family friends, and, well, his father is only here once every several years soo... It has been alright so far. Granted, he only left yesterday, but so far we have only had one incident where every single person in the house was crying at the same time- including me. Steve couldn't have done anything about that anyway- not much you can do against post-partum emotions and fatigue. Today was much better, and the weather was about as gorgeous as it can get in Georgia, so I can't complain.
I wish I had more interesting things to say about my day, but I am in the stage where I am trying to fit the rest of my life in between nursing times, so if I seem distant or entirely absent, that is why. Moriah has managed to get me out of the house a few times, and the only reason I am updating my blog is that one of my aunts commented on M's blog that she keeps up on my life through her: ) So here it is from the horses mouth (what does that mean anyway?) I am keeping my head above water, but realizing more and more every day how much I am needing God's help to see each day through with any success. That is a good thing to realize. Maybe i will get things together enough to post some pictures soon- well, I suppose taking some pictures would be a good place to start.


Dolly said...

I'm going to be in your same boat soon. E. is leaving me for a conference in Orlando (and yes he gets to go to dinsey world). He'll only be gone for 5 days though. But I am going to be praying for you. I still have my MIL around for a few more days of bliss and then real life is going to kick in. AH!!!!

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

Oh just move in for a week.

Erika said...

Well, I suppose that I should say thanks for the idea of a Fall swag. :)

I am glad that you wrote, I was wondering how life with three boys was. WE miss you guys very much, the new Pastor and his wife have a little girl that has taken a liking to me, but she doesn't say any of the funny boy things that James says, so I miss that a lot.
We'll be praying for your sanity.

Leanne said...

Jason left for only a few days about a month ago, and that was long enough. You and the boys are in my thoughts.

Bryonie said...

Hang in there, Nick! I already think you're pretty amazing - this will top the charts.

Aunt Brenda said...

Sorry for the guilt trip, but I'm so glad it worked! Yes, pictures would be nice, too. Keep your chin up, soon you'll be crying , not because you have 3 munchkins under foot, but because your "munchkins have taken all the cars and you're stuck at home!

Jonesey said...

Go Nicky!You can do it! Seriously, if anyone could....

Erika said...

How are you holding up?