For instance- my son loves school. He loves the ritual, the assignments, the filling in of empty pages. And he wants to get it right. The only trouble he has ever gotten into in school is when he threw a pouting fit when his teacher put a red X on one of his papers.
When there is a new topic to learn, he drills it over and over. I usually have to stop him so we can move on to something else. Oh, and he starts his homework in the car on the way home.
He is always asking me if I am proud of his work, and makes sure I give him a star at the top of every page he finishes. He was even more ecstatic when I taught him how to draw stars himself last week, and begs me to let him put stars on his own work. If you want further help deciphering his personality type, this was the paper I found on my desk after I taught him to make the stars.
As you can see, rows and rows of practice stars. Not only rows though- a title for his work, and a thorough identification of himself at the top, including his name, and the letter his name begins with, just in case we couldn't figure it out.
But what really killed me was the check list to mark when he had finished each row, with the corresponding pencil color. This boy loves his check lists.
And when he was done, he asked me if I could put a star on the top. Sheesh.
I think James and Ruthie sound perfect for each other. HA.
His genes did not come from our side of the family. Starting his homework on the way home from school? Sheesh!
HAH. Nice personality awareness Jackie!=}
I knew it was Jackie! Haha...oh that James, I could have told you that a few years ago, when he turned my TV and DVD player on while also putting in CARS, at age 2. My kid doesn't even know how to turn the TV on! Smarty-pants.
Hilarious about the stars - he and my Capps should get along just fine, or else, drive each other crazy. :)
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