Maybe it is the latent rebel in me, but I just didn't want to pick that carrot up- no matter how wrinkly and green it was turning. Or maybe it was the other voice in my head telling me not to bother, since something else equally disgusting would take its place in no time. I should learn to listen to that voice, because this morning I finally gave in, got down on my belly to fish the carrot out and ran my hand into a half rotten banana with it's accompanying cloud of fruit flies. That was the beginning of a long day. You know those days where you can't seem to find the humor in life? Those days where you are lashing out at your kids for stupid things like spraying their luncheon pbj with lysol?
After the discovery of the banana, I thought it was high time to give my house a good scrub down, and the only way I can usually motivate myself to do a thorough job is to move all my furniture away from the walls or put it up on tables and countertops. I felt even worse when I did this, for under my couch were no less than 12 match box cars, 17 broken crayons, another rotten carrot (I kid you not) and what seemed like mountains of other odds and ends whose identity was veiled in dust bunnies. I stared at it for a few minutes, and then had to nurse the baby.
And then I had to change my pants because the baby puked all down my leg. Then I figured the baby probably needed a bath too, so I scrubbed him up and had him all wrapped in his towel when he decided to pee all over my pants. Then I had to change my pants.
Next, James decided it would be a good time to beg me incessantly to build him a boat with his k'nex. Does anyone else have k'nex? I like them better than legos because the pieces are not so tiny, but they are a bit advanced for the boys. Usually I like helping them make stuff, but today was not that day. I put him off as long as I could, but they were all begging so I gave in. Of course half of the pieces were missing so we spent half an hour just searching for all the right parts, and then another half hour putting it together. Then Seb had a poopy all down his leg, so the older boys took their boat and fled the scene while I dealt with the diaper. All this time I am thinking "Is this why I went to college?" Then I put him to bed, and ran out to see what the other boys were screaming about. They were fighting over the boat, of course. Etienne had it and had locked James outside. I told him to let James in, so he unlocked the door just as James pushed hard. Etienne and the boat went flying. The boat got the raw end of the deal. "Mommy, build it again!" they wailed in unison. It was at this point that I nearly lost it, standing in the topsy turvy living room with poop on my hands and the remnant of that stupid boat at my feet. The boys must have noticed my frayed nerves because they gave up on the boat and quietly went outside.
It was one of those times where you have to decide if you are going to continue losing it or buckle down and do what needs doing next. Thankfully, God gave me the grace to start vacuuming. By the time Steve got home, the house was back in some semblance of order, dinner was almost ready, and I was able to start laughing at the craziness that is my life sometimes. However, just as I was relaxing after putting the boys to bed, Steve walked in the door with this backyard treasure.
I think I preferred the banana.
Hmmm, yesterday was a hard day over here, too. Something about being pulled urgently in four different directions at the same time all the time. I heard your voice in my head saying on Sunday, "I never have a minute to myself." Which really means to think or decide what you will do next because it has already been determined :) But your post puts it into perspective for me a little bit because, after all, I didn't have to deal with any bodily fluids yesterday. And that brings me to another point, that I think it gets easier ast they get older. Before you know it James will be making dinner! And if you hadn't picked up that carrot, what would you have blogged about ????
Maybe I'll just stick to two kids...
Oh Nick, you're such a good mom! I feel like losing it with ONE, HELLO!! Thanks for the smiles - I sure love reading about your boys. :-)
The other day Vee walked in to see my couch tipped forward. Someone had lost a treasure in there and we were searching for it. The disgusting thing is that on flipping the couch a small mountain of crumbs and debris came tumbling out. I mean a mountain. I had never cleaned out the yuck that abides at the base of my couch before. Let me tell you I would not recommend it. 'Tis a strange job that we have. Hang in there!
So nice of Steve to bring the treasure IN the house. Ew. Maybe you should move the furniture out, let Strider eat what he finds THEN clean up...or maybe that would be another blog post?!
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