These winter months tend to be a little bit dull, with nothing much going on except the regular routine of life- music classes, church duties, choir practices, and of course mothering. These are just some pics of my kids as they are most days, alternately messy, cute, obnoxious, and very sweet.
James is no longer a baby- he is very noisy, very curious and very much wanting to be a big person. I have been doing a bit of yoga lately. I don't buy the whole 'connection to the earth' mantra, but it does help to stretch a bit and give my flabby old self a bit of toning. I was about to start the other day when of course I got distracted by something. When I came back, I caught James trying it out. I managed to get some shots before he noticed me-
I particularly love the Jammies and Dinosaur boots combo.
I also caught him the other day when it was really cold, diving head first into my fresh-out-of-the dryer clothes to keep warm. He stayed in there for a long long time.
Etienne is still my silent, serious observer, even without the pacifier which is his almost constant companion. I often wonder what in the world is going on in his little (or perhaps I should say big) head. We spend a lot of time scratching our heads over him- for instance, when he is tired, he takes his paci and blanket and goes to stand by his crib ready for bed, or the fact that he sits all the way through church on the edge of his chair without making a noise, or wiggling around. He is not your run of the mill child, but we love him anyway.
He does act goofy occasionally-
Then there is my sweet baby whose personality is still developing, but he likes most to
or just be pretty darn cute
So there you go Grandma.