Monday, February 6, 2012

Where there's a will.....

"Mommy, will you peel my orange for me?"

"Not right now Etienne, mommy's busy. And you know how to do it yourself."

"Yes, but I always squirt juice in my eye when I do it."

"Well, give me a minute and I can help you."

Apparently a minute was more than he could stand waiting for his orange, because I found him engaged in peeling it a short while later- with protection.

You can imagine the pride I felt in seeing this child of mine improvise a squirt shield out of my clear plastic quilting ruler. I raced for my camera to capture such an innovative moment. Move over Thomas Edison, here comes my boy.


Callie Pribyl said...

Funniest thing I've seen in a while. Easily. Love that boy!

Jason and Gretchen said...

That just made me laugh out loud!!! So funny!

Erika said...

So great.