Friday, October 7, 2011

When two (or three) lie down together........

Last year we decided to bite the bullet and make our first bunk bed purchase. Since we had four boys and only one bedroom for them, one of those bunks with the double bed on bottom and single on top seemed the best choice. We figured there would be plenty of room to stretch out, and we could even fit three boys on the bottom if we needed to. We never thought of fitting three boys on the top, but that is how they have chosen to sleep every night since we bought the thing.

The way we figure it, we could have about six girls too and they could all sleep on the bottom. Who needs a bigger house?


Susan said...

I like this picture, you can feel the love.

Callie Pribyl said...

silly boys! I love that they each still have their own dee-dee. ha.

Jason and Gretchen said...

Ha - so cute!