Wednesday, November 7, 2007


So we had our little annual halloween party at Sarah's on Wednesday. It was really great- good food and fellowship, and of course who can resist all those little kids (ten kids three and under this year) dressed up. Steve and I really tried hard on our costumes this year. In case your wondering, I was a 'black eyed pea' and Steve is 'french onion soup'. I know, real creative huh? for all those Les Miserables experts out there, James was supposed to be little Gavroche, but for those who weren't savvy, we called him a street urchin. He was pretty upset when Steve took him outside to smear dirt on his clothes. Apparently he got used to the idea because he tried to do it again the next day, and he looked a little confused when I yelled at him not to get his clothes dirty. Poor kid.
We have had Moriah in town this week, which has been great. She left this morning and I don't envy her the 15 hour drive. it was good to see that James had no forgotten them yet, but now we will probably go through withdrawl again. Ah well.


Rev. Rinn said...

Hello! We don't know each other but I happened onto your blog and HAD to write a quick hello for a number fo reasons. Number one, quite obvious, I have a 17 mo.old boy named Etienne. Second reason, we are also a bilingual family: hubby is from the US, I being from Europe (one parent Italian the other French - one of these weird European things!). Reason 3 is that we JUST came back from my cousin's wedding in Corrèze so it was fun to view YOUR France trip pics right after I had taken my own France pics! Finally, I happened to read your mention of Nick & Alison Farelly's visit this summer, who happen to be very good friends of ours! We were also stateside with them this summer and had a bit of a reunion in St.Louis, where we met. The hubbies get to see each other a bit more frequently when they both travel to the UK, but we women and kids do not... Last but not least, my hubby JUST (as in last thursday, oct. 31st) gave a tour of our city in Italy to a group of 5 students from... Aix en Provence! Sorry: I couldn't resist and had to write : ) we had fun seeing all your photos and reading about your France trip!

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

it only took 13 hours.


Susan said...

I was talking to Marie about you teaching piano lessons and I just started teaching again and I love the Faber and Faber system. They even have a web site that has page by page through the primer book with downloadable duets and also the writer of the books teaching a little kid. My one student has really been enjoying it. Just FYI.
Marie's mother